  • 9 Smart Ways To Boost Your Confidence Level! | GentOPedia Blogs

    How to become more confident gentopedia blogs

    Confidence Is The Key, Boost It!

    Gentlemen, Confidence is the key to everything.

     But sometimes we lack confidence.

    We do not believe in ourselves and we miss that golden opportunity.

    I don’t want you to be lacking confidence, the elixir to success. 

    I feel very bad that in my presence anyone lacks confidence.

    Today boys i am going over 10 tips that would boost your confidence to the next level.

    Sounds Interesting? Let’s hop into it.




    1. Dress sharp:

     When you are in a crowd or between a group of people make sure you dress according to the occasion and never be the least dressed.

    Its 2020 and its okay to be a little bit dressed for men.

     Being well dressed will make sure no one comments on your poor style and your confidence is through the roof.




    2. Talk to yourself everyday:

     Every morning when you wake up I want you to go the bathroom and look into your eyes and say to yourself that you are the best and you can do it and today is your day.

     This will make your day and give your confidence a boost when you go outside.

     Before you go on a date or before meeting your crush make sure that you give yourself a little prep talk and rehearse whatever you want to talk over there.





    3. Don’t overthink:

     Overthinking is the main reason of low confidence in men.

    Everyone is imperfect, don’t think who is judging you and who is not.

    Just go and do the thing you want to do.

    It doesn’t matter what other people think of yourself.




    4. Wear a nice fragrance:

     Wearing a nice fragrance will boost your confidence through the roof.

    When you are walking around smelling nice you are not afraid of people coming near to you.

     On the flip side you want people to come near you to smell that amazing fragrance.

     This will slowly take your shyness away and boost your confidence.




    5. Fight your insecurities:

    Take all your insecurities whether it be acne or some physical trait of yours and fight it.

     Either you do something about it or if you cannot do anything about it just rock it with pride.

    If you have acne or any sort of skin problem go see a dermatologist.

     Everyone is unique, you are unique too, don’t let your imperfection turn into a confidence killer.





    6. Fight your fear:

     We lack confidence because we think we are not able enough to do something.

    If your lack confidence while talking to girls that means you fear doing so.

    So go to that girl and ask her anything, I don’t care even if you know that thing.

    I want you to go to her and talk.




     When you go and talk to her a couple of time your mind will think that the job is not that dangerous and you start to get comfortable slowly.

     The more you expose yourself to your fear the more will be your confidence next time.




    7. Know your value:

     You are one in a million and when you carry yourself with pride and walk with confidence, that really helps.

     Knowing that you are worth something and you mean something will help you boost your confidence.

     Never do something against your self-respect.

    If you don’t respect yourself then how do you expect other to do?





    8. Wear fitted clothes:

    When you wear fitted clothes, you look good and when you look good automatically your confidence level-through the roof.




    9. Have some talent in you:

    When you have some talent no matter whether it is in sports of maybe you are good at cooking doesn’t matter.

    When you rock a talent in yourself you know your self-worth.

    you know that you are not useless and you can do something.

     Also when you are out with someone, you can always tell the other person that you are expert in a thing.

    This way you are praising yourself in a non arrogant way.


    That’s All For Today People.

    Make Sure To Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.





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