  • 6 Top Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes! | Whiter Eyes | GentOPedia


    6 Top Tips To Get Beautiful Eyes! | Whiter Eyes | GentOPedia

    Guys, beautiful, crystal clear eyes are all we want

     but the harsh truth is we just don’t have it.

    We all have dark circles under our eyes, our eyes are pale yellow in color and are just not healthy looking.

    Today boys I am going over 6 tips that if you follow will make your eyes 100 times better in just a few days.

    This article is divided into two parts: one in which I told you about the thing which are to be done and the other one about the things you want to stay clear of.

    Let’s get started.

    The Do’s

    1. Drink More Water:


    I know, I know, you are like we know this, we’ve heard this a thousand times.


     But the truth is most of us does not drink enough water.


     An average adult should drink around a gallon of water a day.


     For those of you who don’t know how much a gallon is, it’s around 3.8 litres.


    Drinking enough water will help hydrate your body and get rid of all the water retention under your eyes giving you a fresher look over time.



    2. Get Your daily Vitamins:


    A lack of these would give you that pale yellow shade in your eyes instead of white.


    And that yellowish tone in your eyes is the worst thing you can have because it is the most unattractive trait.



    3. Sleep Well:


    Notice how I said sleep well and not sleep more.


    Because the quality of sleep is what matters the most.


    You can sleep 12 hrs and wake up tired and sleep 4 hrs and feel like the day is yours.


    The difference is not created by the time of the sleep but the quality of sleep.


     If you want to know how you can maximise your sleep efficiency, you should read my other article I wrote on How To Sleep Better And Faster.



    4. Wear An Eye Mask:


     Eye masks are great when it comes to reducing bagginess under the eyes.


     They provide cooling sensation to your eyes and reduces the darkness and bagginess under the eyes giving you a more youthful look.


     And who doesn’t want that?



    The Do Not’s

    1. Rubbing Your eyes:


    Rubbing your eyes is a very bad sign because your eyes have very fine and fragile veins.


    Skin around your eyes in 20 times thinner that the skin on rest of your body.


    Rubbing your eyes too hard may lead to premature wrinkles around the eyes, permanent dark circles, and even damage your eyes resulting in damage to your vision.



    2. Not Wearing Sunglasses In The Sun:


     Not wearing sun glasses outside can have a really bad impact on your eyes.


    You know when you go out in the sun you squint your eyes really hard because of the sunlight getting in your eyes,

     yes, that causes wrinkles and damages your under the eye skin.


    So, wear sunglasses that are dark enough to protect you from the sun’s glare.


    And that’s all. You don’t need thousands of tips to get beautiful eyes.

    Just these 6 simple dos and don’ts are enough!


    That’s All For Today People.

    Make Sure To Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.



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