  • 10 Tips To Grow Your Hair Quicker Naturally! | GentOpedia Blogs

    How to grow your hair long gentopedia blogs

    Grow Your Hair Fast, Reach Your Goals!

    Gentlemen, are you trying to grow out your hair but are unable to do so?

    A healthy hair grows about an inch or inch and a half in a month.

    If your hair is not growing at that rate read the blog till the end.



    1. Don’t let your hair fall:

     If your hair keeps on falling then you might consider to stop hair fall than to grow your hair out.

     I have a whole blog on how to stop hair fall.

    Check it out first then continue to read the rest.



    2. Stay hydrated:

    You knew this was coming as a healthy hair routine starts with a hydrated body and scalp.

     If your hair isn’t hydrated it will not grow as fast as your needs.



    3. Oil your scalp:

     Giving your scalp enough of nutrition and moisture to grow your hair fast is a good choice.

    Think it this way, the more you feed your hair that faster it will grow.



    4. Don’t shampoo everyday:

    If you shampoo every day then your scalp will be ridden of all the vital oils and your hair won’t grow as fast and in the worst case it would fall off.



    5. Condition your everyday:

     In my opinion conditioning your everyday has a good effect on your hair.

     It nourishes it and maintains moisture in it.

     It helps to grow out your hair faster.



    6. Beware of heat:

    Heat styling tools tend to dry up your hair and weaken the hair follicle making it even more prone to breakage and stunted growth.



    7. Massage your head:

    Massaging your head improves the blood circulation in your head increasing the supply of nutrients in your hair making it grow faster.




    8. Diet:

     If you are doing all the above-mentioned things and are not seeing any results, it can be a sign on poor diet.

     Your diet must be rich in potassium, and other vital nutrients needed by our hair to grow properly.



    9. Get your body checked:

     If you are anaemic or you have low red blood cell count then your hair won’t grow or in the worst case even start falling.



    10. Regular trims:

     You have to get regular trims.

     Don’t think that if you are growing your hair out you don’t need to trim your hair.

     I suggest once every month is needed.

    Not too much ask your barber to cut down any split ends or damaged ends because even if you are taking good care of your hair, it will take damage from your daily routine.

     So go out to your barber and get rid of all the dead and damaged hair.




    That’s All For Today People.

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    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.


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