  • 5 Steps Towards A Healthier Smile! | Get An Attractive Smile! | GentOPedia Blogs

    5 Steps Towards A Healthier Smile! | Get An Attractive Smile! | GentOPedia Blogs

    Smile, Gentlemen, you smile when you are happy.

     You smile most of the time.

     But have you ever looked in the mirror and gave a broad grin and just hated yourself for the moment?


    Smiling is the most attractive trait of humans!

    How can it be ugly?

    Not anymore gents as we are here to help you out and will tell you how to have a healthier smile in just 5 easy ways.

    Let’s Start!



    1. Brush Your Teeth More Than Once A Day:


    Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day.

    Do not overbrush as it will harm your enamel as well your gums.

    Just find the right balance.


    2. Floss & Use A Mouthwash:


     If you want to take your oral game to the next level you have to go above and beyond.

     After you brush your teeth, just floss and use a mouthwash.

    Stuck food gives out extremely bad breath and you definitely don’t want that.


    3. Exfoliate & Moisturize Your Lips:


     Now you’ve got nice teeth and fresh breath.

    But when you smile, your lips are all crusted and bad.

    There’s something for that too.

      Use a lip scrub twice a week or just use a brush to scrub your lips.

     After exfoliating just use some Vaseline to lock in the moisture making your lips incredibly soft.


    4. Practice Makes A Man Perfect:


     Now you have good lips and teeth not to mention good breath,

     now its time to practice your smiling game.

     You don’t want to smile too awkwardly. 

    Practice in front of a mirror, see what works best for you. 

    Is it a wide grim or a small smirk or a wide ass smile, practice and find out.



    5. Drink That Water:


     When you stay hydrated, 

    your breath refreshes itself, 

    your lips become more supple, 

    and your skin around your face becomes softer.

    Hydration leads to a beautiful smile.


    That’s All For Today People.

    Make Sure To Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.



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