  • Top 9 Tips To Get Rid Of Acne! | Get Clear Skin Fast | GentOPedia Blogs

    Top 9 Tips To Get Rid Of Acne! | Get Clear Skin Fast | GentOPedia Blogs

    Gentlemen, the internet is flooded with information with how to get rid of acne.

     And even if you’ve read all that universe of information, you are still confused what ACTUALLY to do.

    Not anymore gents, we’re here with this amazing article which will cover 9 easy steps which will help you clear your skin faster than ever!


    Does that sound interesting?  let’s hop into it.



    1. Discover Your Habits:

    Okay so the first thing you want to do is discover your habits.

    Have you been drinking lately or smoking or maybe you are not sleeping on time?

     Gentlemen, these little things go unnoticed and are the biggest culprits of skin disorders.

    Make sure you go to bed on time.

     Make sure you are not doing any things which irritate your skin or your sleep cycle.




    2. Your Shampoo May Be Guilty:

     Okay this might sound weird but some shampoos have some ingredients which your skin is intolerant of.

    Maybe those ingredients are too harsh for your skin or maybe the product clogs your pore.

    If it is so, stop the use of shampoo immediately.



    3. Diet:

     Your diet plays a very important role in keeping your skin healthy.

    If you eat crap your skin will look like crap.

     If you eat a healthy and balanced diet your skin will reflect that.

    Take care of your diet, your skin will take care of itself.





    4. Are You Stressed Out?

      Gents if you are stressed about anything and anything bothers you might feel restless whole day.

     Your body does not function properly when you are stressed out.

    When your mood is not on point, your body releases chemicals inside and those chemicals indirectly stimulate sebum glands on your face which leads to more clogged pore, oilier skin and no to mention acne and breakouts.




    5. Remember The 1-Minute Rule:

     when you are washing your face make sure you spend a good time massaging the cleanser onto your face.

     Any good cleanser takes up to 1 minute to clear out all the dirt and oil in your skin.

     Make sure you at least massage your cleanser for 1 minute on every part of your face.



    6. Balance The Sun Exposure:

     Now you might not know that sun is both harmful and helpful for acne.

     Excess sun exposure will dry out your skin and make your sebum even more thick which eventually clogs your pores.

    Too less sun exposure will decrease the amount of collagen and melanin amount in your skin.

     So make sure you are out in the sun daily for at least 30 minutes while your sunscreen applied on your face.





    7. Efficiency Of Your Sleep:

     Gentlemen the seventh thing you should consider doing is to increase your sleep efficiency.

     Increasing your sleep efficiency will help your body get better rest.

     Lack of sleep can lead to mild depression, skin disorders, and various other serious problems.




    8. Don’t Touch Your face:

     Okay you might know this from a very long time but I also mentioned it because of its importance.

    You don’t know how dirty and filthy your hands are even if they appear clean.

    you tend to touch everything in your surroundings.

    According to a test conducted by some scientist, humans touch their face hundreds of times in a single day even if they pay all attention in not doing so.






    9. Do You Hit The Gym Hard?

     This might sound a little bit shocking to you but yes training too hard on a regular basis causes you acne.

    This is how it works: when you workout intense your muscle fibers tend to create micro tears in it.

    your body when tries to repair those fibers releases certain chemicals in your body which indirectly stimulates your facial sebum glands.

    Which in turn increases oil production on your face clogging pores and leading to breakouts.    


    That’s All For Today People.

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    Peace Out.

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    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.



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