  • Sleep Better & Faster In Just 4 Easy Steps! | How To Sleep Faster & Better | GentOPedia


    Sleep Better & Faster In Just 4 Easy Steps! | How To Sleep Faster & Better | GentOPedia

    Sleep is something we all love.

     but sometimes you are in your bed and it just doesn’t feel like sleeping anymore and you are fully awake.


    That’s so frustrating dude.


    Like you were feeling sleepy the whole day and now all of a sudden there is no sign of sleep.


    Today boys I am going over 4 easy steps to make you sleep faster than ever probably in 2 minutes!


    Let’s get started.





    1. Cut Off Blue Light 1 hr. Before Bed:


     All the smart phones, laptops, computers and televisions emit blue light.


    Blue light makes your brain think it’s still day outside and prevents your brain from going into sleep mode.


    Even if you don’t follow any of the tips in the world and just focus on cutting off blue light 1 hr before bed, it would make a hell lot of a difference.

    2. Don’t Be Too Full Or Too Hungry Before Bed:


     Being too hungry will not make you sleep and your body will force you to eat something.


    And when you are too full it’s just too uncomfortable for you to find a good position to sleep.


    So eat wisely.

    3. Finish Your Workout 2-3 Hrs. Prior To Sleep:


    Working out intensely before bed may have adverse effects on sleep.


    Because your body is trying to recover from that intense session and all that blood is pumping through your body and your heart rate is up.


    To sleep you need totally different situations.


    Doing light yoga, slow walk is okay before bed but hitting the weights is something I won’t suggest before bed.

    3. Don’t Think About Things That Stress You Out:


    Stressing out before bed may lead you to keep thinking about stuff and instead of sleeping.


    Keeping your mind empty before bed is the way to go.


    Stressing about stuff while in bed will make you anxious and will not let you sleep and also you will take a long time to sleep.

    4. Follow A Relaxing Routine 15 Min Prior To Bed:


     It can be anything.


    It should be enjoyable and relaxing.


    You can read a book, while sitting in your rocking chair with your pets and listening to your favorite song and sipping on that delicious honey and lavender green tea.


    Doing so will simply relax your body and take you to that sleeping mode.





    5. Note:


    After all these steps, you can just lay on your bed and make it as dark as possible and also try to mute any voices.


    Close the windows to block unwanted sounds and put your phone on silent.


    If after all this you cannot just fall asleep, maybe you are suffering from insomnia.



    You better see your doctor as soon possible.



    This illness is not fatal but in long term it will affect your physical and mental health.




    That’s All for Today People.

    Make Sure to Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.


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