  • Hair-Care 101 | The Ultimate Hair Care Routine! | GentOPedia

    Hair-Care 101 | The Ultimate Hair Care Routine! | GentOPedia

    Long healthy silky locks of hair are what we all want.

     but the truth is that majority of us don’t have it right?

    It takes consistency, care, proper diet and most important of all a proper hair care routine.

     A routine which you can religiously follow and take your hair game to the next level.

    Today boys I will be telling you how you can plan 

    your own personalized hair care routine in just a few

     simple steps.

    Let’s get started.



    Step 1. Figure Out Your Hair Type:


    Getting to know your hair the key thing this whole routine.

    Whether your hair is oily, dry, sensitive, or your may have thick hair or very dense hair or maybe thin and light hair.

    Do you suffer from hair loss? You need to know everything about your hair.

    Once you’ve done the first step, time to go on to the next one.



    Step 2. Find the Products For You Hair:


     Not one product fits all.

     Choose a mild, gentle shampoo which is free of any parabens and sulphates because these are detergents which dry up your hair too much and result in hair loss.


    Time to put all together, you have figured out your hair type and have chosen the right products for you.

    Time for the real deal.



    A. Shampoo your hair 2- 3 times every week.:


    More than that will dry up your hair of essential oils and lead to hair breakage, frizz and all the stuff which we don’t want.

    Shampooing less than that is not bad but it will lead to greasy hair which is very gross.




    B. Condition every time you shampoo:


    this step is very important as you want to replenish your hair of the good oils and moisture which it lost during the shampooing process.

    If you don’t condition your hair after shampooing it might lead to brittle and frizzy hair which are super prone to breakage.



    C. Oil Your Hair Before Shampooing:



    This step should’ve come first.

     Make sure you oil your hair 30 to 40 min before shampooing this not only makes your hair healthy but also prevents over drying of your hair in the shampooing process.


    D. Apply A Hair Mask Weekly:



    Taking your hair game to the next level is the easiest with hair masks.

    Hair masks deeply nourishes your hair and doing this weekly will help a lot in improving your hair’s health.



    E. See A Barber Every 2 Weeks:


    Getting your trimmed every 2 weeks is crucial to get rid of the dead hair and to maintain your hair at an optimal health.

    If you are growing your hair out you might want to see a barber less often, I would suggest once every month.




    That is pretty much all you need.

     Rest of the tips are some basic knowledge about hair like

     wash your hair off any products before bed drink

    more water

    and other stuff which you already know.



    So just find out what works best for you and your hair will thank you.





    That’s All for Today People.

    Make Sure to Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.


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