  • 6 Easy tips To Gain Muscle Faster! | Get More Muscular | GentOPedia

    6 Easy tips To Gain Muscle Faster! | Get More Muscular | GentOPedia

    Having a good amount of muscle mass is masculine feature,

     every man wants, but no matter how much you try, your muscles just won’t grow.


    Maybe you are doing some mistakes that are holding you back.


    But not anymore, today I am here to share with you 6 simple tips to incorporate in your lifestyle to gain more muscle faster.


    Without any further delay let’s get started.




    1. You Should Be In A Calorie Surplus:

    It means you should consume more calories that you burn during the day.


    You can find your maintenance calories online.

    Now add 500 to it and here is your daily calorie goal.


    Remember as you build muscle your calorie goals increase and with that in mind, analyze yourself every 2-3 weeks and keep a record of your body fat, body weight and muscle mass.


    After all the calculations, Find out your calorie needs.




     2. Sleep:

    You will hinder not only your muscle building journey but also your overall development as a human being if you don’t get enough good quality sleep.


    Remember as I say good quality.


     You shouldn’t Just focus on how long you sleep but also how well you sleep.


    A good 8-9 hrs. of sleep is a must.



    3. Increase Workout Intensity:


    You shouldn’t just be relying on diet and sleep.

    You need to work hard at the gym too.


    Your workouts should be no more that 60 minutes long and should be intense as hell.


    Avoid bro splits, instead train 2-3 body parts each day.



    4. Increase Your Volume:


     Take a good 1-2 minutes of rest between sets and go for 5 sets of 5 reps once in a while to shock the muscle.


    This will not only increase your workout volume but also will shock your muscles resulting in an even faster growth.



    5. Avoid Too Much Cardio:


    Too much cardio will lead to slower muscle recovery.


     It will also take away from your calorie surplus putting you back in that calorie deficit state where you are putting on muscle at the slowest speed possible.


    And sometimes even loosing muscle.


    6. Consistency:

    I talk about this a lot but it is very important.


    Consistency is really crucial.


     To put on muscle, you need constant efforts and strong willpower.


    Never leave the path of consistency, and you can achieve anything you want.


    That’s All For Today People.


    Make Sure To Leave Your Comments Down Below & Follow Us On Social Media For Regular Updates.

    Peace Out.

    Thanks For Reading,

    I Appreciate Your Time & Presence.


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